Topic Research: Creation Myths

Sunrise, Source: Pixabay
Cosmic creation stories have always interested me. For my project, I decided to compare the different creation stories from all over the world. I think that creation stories can tell you a lot about the culture and worldview of the people who tell them. I have the idea of exploring different cultures and see how their creation compare, then create the ultimate creation story.

Here are some of the creation stories that I found interesting:

Greek Creation Story
This is a classic creation story, filled with betrayal, fights, and tragedy. 

Odin & Ymir
The cool thing about this creation story is that it talks about the creation of other wolds besides earth. 

I liked the fact the creation is set in sixteen different ages or wā.

This story is probably one of the familiar stories, but I wanted to include it because many people believe it as true today. 

While this is technically not a creation "story," it is a  modern answer to the question of the origin of the universe. A question that previous creation stories seek to answer. Including it in the project will provide a reflection of how creation stories have evolved.

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  1. Hi Kevin!

    Your topic research is a really cool idea! I think the idea of taking elements from different creation stories and making the "ultimate creation story" is an interesting way to look at different culture's beliefs and stories, since the only creation stories I'm really familiar with are the one from Christianity and the Big Bang theory. I liked that you included the big bang theory in creation stories, since it really is the modern equivalent of the other creation stories. Just like other culture's creation stories, it's our answer to the question of "How did we get here?", just with maybe a little more scientific backing.

    I'm looking forward to reading your storybook!


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